Sunday, February 14, 2010

Drive A 125cc Scooter In The Uk With A French Driving Licence I'v Been Charged By The Police For Many Mototoring Offences - HELP ?!?

I'v been charged by the police for many Mototoring Offences - HELP ?!? - drive a 125cc scooter in the uk with a french driving licence

Hello, I am currently on bail and pushes me with 3 penalties for violations of the motor and asked if someone could give me a rough idea of what to expect when I go to court in a few weeks, and I can I will even say that the nature of the punishment that I am happy.

I am a resident of the United Kingdom for 15 years. The allegations that I face;

TWOC - it will be without the consent of the owner.

You do not have a permit for the vehicle 125cc. (Scooter / PED)

Driving without insurance.

I was caught driving on a highway with a passenger in the back of a helmet has a bike no MOT, tax, and are not allowed. Its presence in a compound.

So if someone could me some information about what I'm waiting or Punishmentwait, I would be very grateful, because I'm afraid.


Cam said...

When I shut up.
But as it is in the courts and our justice stupid get a fine and a driving ban.
The ban starts automatically if you have never really taken any examinations.

Scouse said...

You deserve a being is a dick, what care expenses. Almost certainly, could be arrested and you will find what they guarantee, so that when one finally does a provisional license.
Meanwhile, I also believe you can be fined and release on parole, and if your mother like me are the courts are a new impetus in relation to what he do and say what's probably why I kept him out of the Not

Smoby J said...

Probably still a misconduct of a few years, the points on the license of any kind of insurance (9 is the usual punishment for the uninsured)

Maybe a fine, community service or repremand. It depends on your previous references to the source and type of crime

weezyb said...

are likely to be prohibited and punished, and the points on a license.

Perhaps this experience and make you go on the line in the vicinity in order to avoid this situation, because it could affect their future employment.

hoovarte... said...

According to what I wrote here it seems you are well on your way to a criminal career. Believe me when I tell you, that your sins may remain low now, but this is the kind of sanctions. It says more about how you see the law and especially as you are the right, above the law and do what you think you want, no matter the reason or not. Thus, the criminal is to feel persecuted at the beginning and usually always justified in their behavior. Nowhere there does not seem to misconduct and the amount of punishment that can be granted.
To answer your question.
I would say that from what you've written, you can expect many years of offenses and penalties up to.
Good luck!

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